History of the Monastery
From Dream to Reality
1. "REJOICE! Today, to my great joy, I have accomplished an important and holy endeavor of purchasing the designated farm for the holy cloister and an orphanage. My vision, which used to be like a dream, is coming true and being transformed into reality. So let this reality bring joy to the field of our action, and prove to our successors in this labor, that the days of our lives were not deprived of the evident action of God's Providence in the field of our service to God and earnest carrying out of the high commandment to love one's neighbor! Let any restless soul find peace for itself amidst the sturdy cliffs of our cloister, and let the hard and immovable heart soften up in the lap of wonderful nature, amidst the birds singing praise, in a wonderful choir, to the Creator, and fluttering pheasants (just today I have learned that these birds are not uncommon on our property)!
"Let all the tears of the orphans pour into the hollow of our valley of Christ, and we, with the fire and warmth of all the love we can give, will transform them into an incense rising to the throne of the Most High form the depths of the loved and warmed hearts of the orphans.
"It is not a spirit of pride and conceit that speaks these words, but the spirit of love is eager to share one possible path that leads in the path of Christ's commandments."
2. (Svet #23)
"I consider it my sacred duty to inform the entire American Rus about the great joy which is a giant step forward in the process of organizing of the moral-religious life of the Russian people in America.
"On 13/26 June of this year, with the permission and blessing of His Eminence, our Archbishop Tikhon, I purchased a large farm not far from Mayfield (half an hour ride by train) -- 82 acres of land with all amenities (8 room house, a stable, sauna) a good orchard (180 apple trees) and a beautiful stream. It is proposed that on this farm a church would be erected and a monastic community founded, the brothers of which, with their labors of prayer and earnest physical work, would spread the light of the Eastern Orthodox monastic life throughout the whole of America, attracting all who labor and are heavy laden with the yoke of a sorrowful life, to prayer and peace of mind.
"An orphanage for the children of American Orthodox and non-Orthodox Rusyns and also an almshouse for the elderly and disabled members of the Society could be opened here with the monastic community on the basis of statutes which will be worked out by a special committee which was elected during the 6th convention of the Orthodox Mutual Aid Society.
"While the monastic community is being organized, while the committee is working out the statutes for the orphanage and the almshouse, and until those are adopted by the Mutual Aid Society, I, with the blessing of the His Eminence Tikhon, announce the opening of the orphanage, beginning 15/28 July of this year, and I take personal financial responsibility to support the orphans with help from other kind people.
"The orphanage is opening with the following temporary conditions: 1. The children of Orthodox Rusyns and Uniates 1 to 6 years old are accepted. In case of dire need children older or younger can be accepted. 2. Children who are sent to the orphanage must be: a) either complete orphans without father or mother, b) or orphans without a mother, c) or orphans without a father, d) or orphans without a mother whose father is ill. 3. The orphans' upkeep at the orphanage is free, but the clothes in which the orphans arrive will be kept. 4. Orphans must be brought to the orphanage by someone from among their relatives or caretakers, with a written certificate from the local Brotherhood or priest regarding their orphanhood and neediness. 4. All inquiries should be directed to this address: Rev. Arseny Chahovzov, P.O. Box 4 Mayfield, Pa.
"I also report that the above-mentioned farm was purchased for $2600, a thousand dollars of which has already been paid . . . The rest of the $1600 remains as debt which must be paid as soon as possible.
"I humbly thank all those kind people who have helped me begin this worthy and holy undertaking with their generous sacrifices. I address all American Rusyns regardless of their affiliations or faith and call upon them: Kind people, respond and help this worthy undertaking come to fruition! Help us wipe away the tears of the crying orphans and give them a place to reside and food to eat, while substituting for their parents whom they lost through the will of God."
Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
570-937-4067 (Phone)
12Nov6:00 Midnight Office, Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsWed
13NovSt. John Chrysostom
6:30 Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsThu
14Nov6:00 Midnight Office, Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & Matins