On February 17th and 18th Fr. Igumen Sergius will give a pre-lenten Retreat at St. Innocent's Orthodox Parish in Livermore, California. Fr. Sergius will bring the Chalice, Gospel Book and Panagia of St. Innocent of Alaska for veneration by the faithful along with the relics of St. Tikhon of Moscow, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, St. Herman of Alaska, St. Raphael, St. Nikolai of Zicha and St. Alexis. For more information, please contact fr.leo@comcast.net.
On February 25th at 7:00 p.m., Fr. Theodore Petrides will give a talk about the life and spirituality of his spiritual father, the Athonite Elder Amilianos of Simonos Petras. The talk will be in the Museum above the bookstore and is open to the general public.
On April 2nd and 3rd, Fr. Igumen Sergius will visit St. Basil's Antiochian Orthodox Church in Kansas City, Kansas. He will give a Pre-lenten Retreat on Saturday beginning at 8:00 a.m., will serve Liturgy with Fr. Elias on Sunday, and be the speaker at the Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers on Sunday night at 5:00 p.m. For more information, contact Fr. Elias at fr.eliasissa@gmail.com. The event is open to the general public.
St. Tikhon's Monastery currently has 15 members: 1 Bishop, 1 Abbot, 1 Igumen, 2 Hieromonks, 1 Hierodeacon (not present in picture,) 2 Stavophore Monks, 1 Riassaphore Monk, and 6 Novices. For information about monastic life at St. Tikhon's Monastery, please contact monasteryinfo@gmail.com.
All are welcome to come to find the grace and the consolation that is present in the Wonder Working Icon of St. Anna throughout this Memorial Day. Innumerable cures from barrenness and cancer are attributed to this Icon of the Grandmother of Jesus Christ and all are welcome to come to partake of the grace and life that flows from the Myrrh streaming Icon of St. Anna.
To view them, click below:
The Monastery has completed its internal audit and the external review of those statements by the Auditors Parente Beard. All statements were verified as accurate and all suggestions given by Parente Beard concerning the Cemetery Trust fund and debt consolidation are a work already in progress.Click here for the full report.
We have a new website and are continuing to improve our site and service for you! Please visit us today at stspress.com.
On October 12th from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., the Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will visit St. Tikhon's Monastery for Liturgy and a Moliben. All are welcome to come to venerate the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God which has healed many individuals through Her intercessions.
St. Tikhon's Museum recently was displayed its Orthodox Chaplaincy exhibit as well as several of the Icons the Museum has in its repository at St. Vladimir Seminary Education Day. Fr. John Perich, the Curator, is pictured here with Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk. For more information and pictures, please visit https://vimeo.com/29808834.
On December 9th in Loraine Ohio at Sts. Peter and Paul Fr. Igumen Sergius will bring the Miraculous Icon of St. Anna for an Akathist at 6:00 p.m. and on the 10th and the11th he will be in Broadview Heights, Ohio for a Nativity retreat starting on Saturday at 10 a.m. With him, he will also bring the Relics, Stole and Icon of St. Seraphim and the relics of the All Saints of America. The event is open to the general public. For more information, please contact St. Michael's at info@stmichaelscleveland.org or www.saintspap.org.
On Saturday December 10th from 2 p.m. until Sunday the11th at 3 p.m.the Miracle Working Monastery Icon will visit Stratford CT at St. Nicholas ROCOR Parish along with countless treasures from the Monastery Museum. Fr. John Perich the Curator will be present along with a few of the Monastery Brotherhood and the Monastery bookstore. For more details, please visit http://www.stnicholasstratford.org/.
Nativity greetings from the Monastery Brotherhood to all!
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
9:00 Hours and Divine Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsMon
9Sep6:00 Midnight Office, Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsTue
10Sep6:00 Midnight Office, Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & Matins